The first glimpse of Baby Bolduc

The first glimpse of Baby Bolduc
My First Glimpse of Baby Bolduc

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baby B..I love you. The Time for you to come meet Mommy and Daddy is getting closer!

Well Baby Bolduc...The time for you entering this world is drawing nearer...your Mommy and Daddy are ready for you to be here. What is exciting though is that I get to go stay the weekend with your Mommy while your Daddy goes and hauls some bulls. I get to see your baby room in person. Seeing it on Facebook is just not the same. It is so exciting to see you growing and seeing your Mommy's Tummy getting bigger and bigger. 

This last weekend on Saturday April 14th 2012 we had your Shower...It was a nice, low keyed event that everyone went away smiling from. We got to play the "Guess the Tummy Size" Game and Aunt Cheryl was the one that guessed the exact size of you in the belly! We thought for sure Aunt Debbie would guess it, she usually has the knack for it. I couldn't help but rub your Mommy's belly a few times and talk to you. Your Mommy probably thinks I am a little co-co..guess what..I am co-co for you! Knowing that you were in there and you were moving around alot during the shower brought all of us alot of joy. There were even a couple of time that you moved and we could see your foot sticking on the side of mommy's belly right facing. So cute.

Well Baby Bolduc, I love you so much and just can't wait for you to be here. It is going to mean alot of weekends out in Brigg's with your mama and papa so they can get some shut eye! Love you Baby B
Aunt Lindsay 


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